Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Iconic Bellingham Jewelry Store Goes Out of Business

By Jenny Hoang

            Neon plastic signs line the sidewalk grass on the 1600 block of Broadway Street in the Fountain District.  This colorful display gives passing people attention to a small jewelry store’s imminent closure.   Monte Falen, 67, is closing his shop MJB Jewelers Inc. after 30 years of business.  The grey house has been sold to an anonymous investor with unknown future plans for the building.
            “It’s like losing a dear friend,” said Rhea Ramsey, resident of Bellingham and loyal customer.  She has been a customer at the store since the doors opened in 1982. 
            The official last day of retail will be Dec. 29, 2012.  Customers have visited the store with flowers and gifts to congratulate Falen on his retirement.  The small shop has been iconic in Bellingham residents’ memories. 
            “It was a place where you could trust.  They wouldn’t talk you into something you didn’t like,” said Kathy Jansen.  She commutes to the shop from Birch Bay regularly.  Jansen’s relationship with the staff began when her husband bought her a gold bracelet from MJB Jewelers 12 years ago.  She has not taken it off since.
            Falen moved to Bellingham in 1969 to help his father’s jewelry business after graduating from Sacramento State University with a pre-veterinarian and business degree.
            “I told him I’d only help him for a couple months,” said Falen.   He immediately fell in love with Bellingham and its natural surroundings.  Falen’s passion is sailing and Bellingham’s location and environment fulfilled his need.  He immediately resigned his managing job at DeVons Jewelers in California and moved to Bellingham.  He hasn’t left since.
            Falen’s father, Jerry, and him rented out a space downtown at the National Bank building on Holly Street in the early 1970s where they started as a small repair shop. 
            “We were paying so much for rent and decided to buy a house instead,” said Falen. 
            The Falens bought the small grey house on Broadway Street to convert into their shop.  Falen describes it as the charming little house on Broadway. 
            Because the building was not specifically designed for commercial use, Falen applied for a Certificate of Non-Conforming Use, found on the City of Bellingham Website, for the business.  He named it MJB Jewelers after the three members of the Falen family: Monte, Jerry, and his mother Betty.  The business remained a repair shop until 15 years ago when he hired Jenny Covain to manage and transform it into a retail store.
            Covain has grown a strong working relationship with many of the customers.  Some of them, like Ramsey, will only work exclusively with her. 
            “[Closing the store] is a bit devastating because I’ve made so many friends and gotten so close to so many people.  The best part about working here was becoming part of a couple’s life and to be part of their relationship and history,” said Covain.  She hopes to work at another jewelry shop, Jewelry Affair, in Fairhaven as a part-time employee after the store closes.
            As the stock market drops the price of gold rises, said Falen. He describes running the business as an extremely rewarding roller coaster ride. 
            “I thoroughly enjoyed being in the jewelry business,” said Falen, “It’s not like going to the dentist.  Everyone is happy to be here.”
            Falen is ecstatic about his imminent retirement.
            “I’m going to Hawaii,” said Falen.  His retirement plans include travel, hiking, and sailing.